New Lesson with Globe Overlay: Intro to Earth's Seismicity
Earth Seismicity self-adhesive globe overlay
Intro to Earth's Seismicity lesson plan

Lesson Objective:

Promote an understanding of Earth's seismicity through observations, interpretations, and open discussions

The students will:

Materials Needed:

Context for use:

Appropriate for high school and undergraduate-level introductory geology, natural hazards, and other geoscience courses where the students have already had a basic introduction to plate tectonics.

They should already know that Earth is broken into plates that are constantly in motion and that the boundaries of these plates are broadly characterized into three types: convergent, divergent, and strike-slip.

This lesson is intended to be worked by groups of 2 - 4 students followed by an all-inclusive class discussion.

Lesson can be easily adapted to serve both small- and large-enrollment classes, and be used in both lecture and lab settings.

Lesson can be easily combined with other lessons such as:
  • Earth's interior revealed by seismic ray paths (example 1, example 2)
  • Fault planes and focal mechanisms (link)
  • Earthquake cycle: the stick-slip model (link)
  • Teaching latitude and longitude by plotting earthquake epicenters (link)
  • The movement of tectonic plates (link)
  • Using seismic arrival times to locate earthquake epicenters
  • Calculate the maximum magnitude possible of of earthquakes on various faults
  • Euler Poles (link)