Dry Erase Globes & kits available now!
Pangaea Globes from the Ordovician through the KT Boundary
Geological & Topographical Globes of the World and the Moon
Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Galilean Moons
3D Maps and Geological Maps
Seafloor Magnetic Anomaly -- and many more!
NEW Print your own 3D relief globe, download models of Earth & Mars
30" Globes and 18" Globes
Seafloor Magnetic Anomaly 30" Globe
for Penn State University
with Joe Roubal
Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS)
on board the Mars Odyssey spacecraft
displayed at Arizona State University
(available 18")
Geologic Globe of Earth's Moon
Dry erase globe of the new Unified Geologic Map of the Moon
with shaded topography from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA).
This geologic globe is a synthesis of six Apollo-era regional geologic maps,
updated based on data from recent satellite missions.
It will serve as a reference for lunar science
and future human missions to the Moon.
(available 18")
Hemisphere Globes
UC Riverside Geology Dept
Research Project Locations
Unique hemisphere globes used in museums
We also made a Permian hemisphere for Marrietta, Ohio museum
Same method is used to make "Dual Pangaeas"
See More Hemisphere Globes Here
Dry Erase Globes for Lab Exercises
Robert Ripley With His Globe!
Real World Globes can be used to study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units with respect to their deformational histories.
Curriculum based assignments, and answer keys specifically for Real World Globes, and Maps.
The scientific task is to explain with a strong visual impact the relationships between the ancient supercontinent called Pangaea.
The scientific task is to explain with a strong visual impact the relationships between the ancient supercontinent called Pangaea.
The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) is an instrument on board the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, launched from Kennedy Space Center in 2001, traveling around Mars in a 2-hour orbit.